Mircea Suciu 'Black Milk'

20 April - 2 June 2012

Aeroplastics @ Rue Blanche Str., Brussels 


Aeroplastics is delighted to present Black Milk, Romanian artist, Mircea Suciu's first solo exhibition with the gallery. The title of the exhibition is derived from Paul Celan’s poem, ‘Death Fugue’, published in 1948 and considered one of the great works written by a holocaust survivor. The poem describes how prisoners are forced to dig graves while others play music. The macabre practice of forcing prisoners to ‘perform’ in the run up to a terrible event such as a mass execution (as often happened in Auschwitz), was referred to by prisoners as the ‘Death Tango’. Celan’s text originally held this title and this information is significant both when considering Suciu’s works for this exhibition, and the motivation behind his practice.